
Baeksang Arts Awards Special - Best Supporting Actor Park Jeongmin

forjeongmin 2021. 12. 19. 16:28

Part 1 : "my first baeksang is the inflection point of my life.."



He’s a respectable baeksang man. Actor Park Jeongmin (35), who won his first award as Best New Actor for the film category at the 52nd Baeksang Arts Awards in 2016 appeared again on the same stage 57th Baeksang Arts Award for Best Supporting Actor. It took five years since his debut in 2011 to his Best New Actor Awards and five more years to receive his Best Supporting Actor award. “The first five years and the second five years feel so different" Park Jeongmin said, continuously fiddling with the trophy, which has changed in shape.


Dongju (Dir Lee Joonik) was his "life changing" project as he was agonizing over giving up his career as an actor, and Yui (Dir Hong Won-chan) his best character whom he met while living his best life as Chungmuro's youth star. Park Jeongmin who shines in the movie that achieves the most attention of the year as the most outstanding character . He has become an actor who knows how to give irreplaceable performance every single time as he accumulated the experience. As we all watched his growth for more than 10 years, how he improved his presence it (his winning) is become more precious. 


The character who gives Park Jeongmin 1 more award is Yui of Deliver us From Evil. Yui is the character Park Jeongmin feels sorry for more than he feels grateful for. The more he knew , the more he prepared, it was more difficult, lonely and (he feels) regretful. "I have never felt relieved or refreshed while playing Yui" said Park Jeongmin. Even when he approached (Yui's character) carefully and tried to be considerate, leaving the "fun" part completely abandoned he still felt sorry at the end because he still couldn't fully understand it. All those emotions were eventually completed the character Yui. Rumor has it that Hwang Jungmin already predicted that "that kid will get the award" before.


How will the next five years for this trusted actor unfold? "there was a coincidence in the inflection point of my life" his humbleness remains unchanged, but the credibility of the audience who looks at actor Park Jeongmin increases every year. As an actor, "audience" is something that he thinks can't be left out. "I think the most important thing is the amount of trust people people who work with me and who watch the movie I appear put in me. I want to be an actor that the audiences like, (I think) that is also the biggest strength to act for a long time. While I think about a role, I want it to be thin and long (re: not to earn big but to go far/timeless) 


Finally embracing the baeksang trophy again in five years. the shape of the trophy has changed

Park Jeongmin : Right, when I got on stage, I was like, "Huh? The shape changed! It's more stylish now" It feels good to be able to embrace it (laughs)


You have probably already expected to get the award.

Park Jeongmin : I was thinking "It'd be amazing if I got it" but I didn't expect too much. I couldn't remember when they called my name. I'm a little scared of getting attention in front of a lot of people so I was like "What should I do?" but it felt regretful that the situation requires us to wear mask this year (instead of seeing the people faces when he get the award on stage)



The trophy was handed by actor Lee Kwangsoo your co-star on "Tazza: One Eyed Jack"

Park Jeongmin: I made eye contact with Kwangsoo hyung on stage and I noticed he grew moustache. It was so funny that it was hard to not laugh. I was close to Kwangsoo hyung, and I clapped because I was so happy that he received the award last year. I didn't expect to get it but I did and it became more meaningful because I got it from Kwangsoo hyung. 


You must have received a lot of congratulations message, is there any impressive congratulatory message?

Park Jeongmin : my younger sister sent me a message saying Why didn't you talk about mom and dad?' I was scolded a lot. I thought it was a congratulatory message, but I only remember being scolded at.


At the 52nd Baeksang, director Lee Joonik received the Daesang and you got the Best New Actor Awards. This year too, you both got the awards and it became a stage where you both met again

Park Jeongmin : As the award ceremony went on, I got a stronger feeling that the director would win the award. And the prediction was right (Laughs) I thought 'Huh? This year again, I'm receiving the award with director Lee? It must be an inevitable fate' The director may not think so. I ran to him as soon as the award ceremony was over.


You are in "Hellbound" with Yoo Ahin who won the award

Park Jeongmin : I felt happy when Ahin won the award. He is indeed the sunbae but he has the aura of sunbae-nim (t/n : sunbae = senior, what jeongmin meant here is Ahin has the aura of someone way more senior and respectful than people on his age). Since he started working since he was in high school. Actually, we rarely met when we filmed "Hellbound" As you can see from the webtoon, Ahin and I exist in 2 different worlds. He is an actor I always liked, and what I feel about him is the way we like our seniors. Anyway, I'm about the same age as him. Seeing him continue to receive the best actor award, it feels like an encouragement to his peers. I'm always rooting for you, and congratulations. 


There was 5 years gap from your debut to you winning the Best New Actor and another 5 years until you won the Best Supporting Actor Award. I think the meaning will reach a little differently.

Park Jeongmin: I remember the first award I received since I started acting was Baeksang. Ever since then…Should I say my life has changed a little? First of all, I was able to play an important role in large-scale movies such as commercial films, and most of all, five years seemed long before I debuted and received an award, but I don't feel that long until I get an award again in five years. It must have been a lot of fun while working, and as I was working with a sense of gratitude, it feels like five years have passed. It comes five years that are distinctly different from the previous five years. I think I can say, "The first award I received at that time seems to have made a big difference in my life. Thank you.


You appeared on "You Quiz on the Block" after winning the award at a good timing. You expressed your special relationship and affection with actor Park Wonsang, he must have been happier than anyone else about the award

Park Jeongmin: Actually, I visited him in person after recording 'You Quiz on the Block. I went to the set of the drama, and he was so happy whenever I saw him. I don't usually contact anyone. I'm not good at talking, and I can't even call them like "I just want to call you" it's just weird to say that, but when I visited him this time, he welcomed me with a smile like a junior that he just saw yesterday. I felt... regretful, comfortable, and I feel good. Because he is the first person to make me like this. I can't help but be grateful for him for the rest of my life. 



Part 2 : about his character on Deliver Us from Evil and how Hwang Jungmin predicted him winning the award



When "Deliver Us from Evil" was released you couldn't be interviewed because Yui was the hidden card and secret weapon character, I think the big picture is to talk about Yui in award ceremonies.

Park Jeongmin; To be honest, I thought it was fortunate that I couldn't talk about Yui while we were promoting the movie. I just couldn't bring it up out of nowhere but.... I'm finally talking about (Yui) like this now.


In terms of characteristic, Yul is stronger than any other characters. Was there any difficulty in choosing it?

Park Jeongmin: I didn't hesitate when I made a choice. The problem is that I always get bogged down after making a choice. At first, I thought "this would be fun?° but then I had a hard time preparing for it. It happened when I was preparing for Yui too, When I started preparing for it I thought, "What am I practicing?" I shouldn't be just practicing. I had to do the research for this character first, but it was a bit strange. I was wondering "should I meet them?" so I went to their work place where I was told to go to. It was strange to get close to them and ask "How is it?", At that time, I was just watching and I was very sorry to just be there see someone while they were working.



The process and contents of the agony must have been different from your previous characters.

Park Jeongmin: Right. Yul has slightly different form of mind, I felt most sorry (of Yui). I've only seen "Deliver us From Evil' once on premiere. I couldn't watch it again. When we recorded the commentary, I kept changing the subject when Yul appeared. Many factors are needed for an actor to act, things that each person considers important are different, and my mindset changes every time I play a role. The approach changes a bit, and I thought it was a role that I had to be "thoughtful' while playing it. 


I wonder if you were being cautious

Park Jeongmin : Should I call them minorities who have such character traits? It appears as an important role in a big movie but the moment when I tried to approach it with only "fun" elements, I felt like I would be criticized a lot. I studied to understand the mind of Yui, but I didn't fully understand it. I don't know. No matter how many books I've read about them, I couldn't fully understand their hardships and restriction they have. I only know things in the surface. So I had to be careful while acting.


Even so, you still did it

Park Jeongmin: Is that right? (laughs) It was It was a lonely fight because I had nothing to rely on. I went to Thailand alone without my manager, and I was like, "What should I do?". It didn't happen a lot but when I had no filming schedule, it felt like I'm alone. I went around downtown Bangkok, but when I think about it now, it wasn't as clear as how I acted. I didn't feel something like "relieved". But I'm embarrassed that you like it so much. Phew. It's hard for me to open my mouth.


Maybe that's why it was hard for you to watch the finished movie?

Park Jeongmin: I've never thought "I think this is good?'. I felt a bit burdened. Those emotions came back to life when this movie released. Because I remembered the situations while I was filming this movie. "How did I film that scene? How did I feel when you film that scene?" I was afraid to watch the movie because it reminded me of those things. I'm so thankful that the audience likes me and Yui, but I think it's a different story for them. It's still complex. 


In past interviews, you said "I am grateful and I want to repay you." to Hwang Jungmin. Working on this project together that got a great result, I wonder if it was a way you return/repay him.

Park Jeongmin: From the start of working together on "Deliver Us from Evil" to the end, I am even more grateful to (Hwang Jungmin) hyung again. I have been in the company for 10 years, but I have never talked as much with hyung as I did while we were filming this movie. Hyung also didn't come with his manager, so the two of us stayed in Thailand, we went around and talked a lot, and I felt like we got closer. If it weren't for Jungmin hyung, wouldn't have met this movie.


You meet director Hong Wonchan in the movie "Office."

Park Jeongmin: That's right. What with Jungmin hyung decided to participate, and also I have connection with the director but the main reason why I first became interested in "Deliver Us from Evil was because of Jungmin hyung, was it about a year before the movie? I already know that Jungmin had already decided to cast in the movie. So l asked him first, "Do I have anything to do?" (Laughs). There wasn't any then (lol)


Was the final character different from the way it pictured first?

Park Jeonqmin: It was different. Originally, there was no Yui. It is a character that was created in the process of modifying the scenario. Everyone was curious about who would play that role. Due to the character's characteristics, I expected a handsome and dashing actor to do it, but the director said, "I want to give it t  Jeongmin." Even when I said, "Huh?" "It's a unique casting" and "I think it's good," the scenario really came to me. I wondered why he wanted to give me this role, but I was able to figure out the director's intentions after the meeting. It meant, "Just because you wear women's clothes and put on makeup doesn't mean you have to look beautiful," and we wanted to give variations to the character."



first shoot must have been the hardest.

Park Jeongmin: Yui's first appearance scene was the first shooting of the movie. Singing with a wig on the stage, it was a lot of pressure. There was no one choreographing it. I practiced alone watching related videos at the hotel. It's a gesture, but I made a dance. There has never been a day when I was as nervous as that day while acting. I thought I drank a bottle of beer just before the shoot because I couldn't relax (but) later I realized I drank five or six bottles. Haha. At least it was helpful.


It (him being drunk) really didn't show in the movie.

Park Jeongmin: I thought it Was a relief that the director seemed to be satisfied later on. Jungmin hyung also watched the first shooting. Before the actual shoot, the staff said, "We'll have a rehearsal," so I roughly said, "This is how it's done!" and showed them the moves. I was dancing slowly because it was a rehearsal, but Jungmin came early that and as he was watching the rehearsal, he said You're really gonna do it this way? Ha ha". I snapped out of it and say "I'll do it right." Thanks to him, I was able to relax.


You must have received a lot of compliments.

Park Jeongmin: After finishing my filming, I was on my way to the airport for departure, Jungmin and the CEO of the production company said, "I think that kid will get an award!' They didn't give me any special compliments at the scene. He didn't say much, so I was like, "Am I not doing well?" "Why isn't he saying anything good?" "well, at least it's good that he's not saying anything bad." So hearing that in the end was a relief. It's amazing that it became a reality. 



Actually, I was thinking about doing this interview in your bookstore, but it was announced that it was closed in the meantime.

Park Jeongmin: we closed the bookstore. Something that I never thought would happen, came up. It wasn't a big financial thing but there were things I couldn't mention so I closed it


When you first opened the bookstore, you said that your head was filled with works and bookstores at that time. What is occupying the vacant space (of his head) right now?

Park Jeongmin: Filming comes first right now. The key is to do well. Except for filming, something that fills me in my daily life changes from time to time, but now I'm busy filming short films. 


Are you working on post-recording?

Park Jeongmin: The shooting is over. It was in the middle of shooting when I went to Baeksang. So I was even more distracted (laugh). I'm working on the post-production. It's hard to show a great piece of work, but I've been working on editing for two months with the thought "I should show you something worth seeing."


It's going to be an interesting project.

Park Jeongmin: I was offered (the project) when I was filming "One Victory". at first, it wasn't meant to be anything grand. (I did it) because Jehoon hyung doing. Because Jehoon hyung is someone whom I like and trust, I couldn't say "I don't want to do it". But when I did it, it was fun. It brought up the memories of having fun with my friends at college, and the staff helped me so well that I think I was really into it. Director Yang Kyungmo, who founded Hardcut with Jehoon hyung, is also my colleague in the film department (in college). I was more touched because he was a person who took care of me a lot when I was in college and gave me courage. 




Part 3 : "Actor credibility is like stock… affection from the audiences is the most important"



I thought we'd meet through "Miracle" (promotion) first. The delay is a bit disappointing.

Park Jeongmin: Personally, I have a strong attachment to this movie. I've been emotionally absorbed since I read the scenario. While filming, I became fond of the director and became close with the actors. I could see that everyone was worried and liked this movie. There are concerns about the release, but at the best of times, we will be able to have a "miracle" kind of meeting. I think the movie can give you a heartfelt warmth. I'm waiting for it passionately.


You're currently filming for "smuggling" in full swing. You're really running nonstop.

Park Jeongmin : I came back from Paju after filming for a month. (in terms of stamina) I'm nothing compared with Lee Sungmin sunbaenim. I don't have that much stamina. Haha. So I started exercising. These days, my body hurts if I don't exercise. I am doing pilates and other things. I understand when people say "I'm exercising to live" and somehow, it became less tiring on the filming set. What I have to do is to act. When I'm at home, I keep doing useless things. I'm very tired 



In the past, you said you tried to stop yourself from stress by challenging yourself like "it's just in my head" do you still have the same mind?

Park Jeongmin : One's words can be refuted by their words, this is why being interviewed is hard. I even I have to take my words back. Haha. I don't get stressed these days. When there is a big and small "accident* on the spot, I think it's more important how to perceive that. So, I try to get along well with people also joking around with directors and actors by joking around. (because) we are together, I feel less stressed.


When you started acting, did you imagine your future self as you are right now?

Park Jeongmin : A long time ago I stopped imagining how I'd be in the future. I tried not to think "how would I look when I turn a certain age*. I gave up with the thought of "I'll have my own rhythm then". When I was really young, 19 or 20, I imagined myself to be a well-known actor when I turn 30. It was the time when I still wasn't sure whether I want to be a movie director or an actor. But, I still had the desire to be well-know. I didn't do anything, I just imagined it. I imagined myself to be eloquent. Haha. That's why I wanted to be 30 soon.


Now, you're radiantly in your 30s

Park Jeongmin: Nothing has changed. Well, would it be different when I turn 40? Haha. Not everything that I imagined came true just like how things that I worried about, didn't become reality. As I kept repeating the process, I thought, "There is a coincidence at the turning point of my life." It's not the time to figure out “When the opportunities come, should I grab it or not" since the opportunity will come at the moments I've never imagined. Imagining that I'd be too busy to even respond when it (the opportunities) come? I'd get complaint (laugh)  


Is there any moment you want to compliment yourself?

Park Jeongmin : You're living your life to the fullest. I can't say I work harder than anyone. When I see my ends living, I often think, "that's what living to the fullest mean", Still, when I look back on my daily life I realize "I'm living just like how my friends live their life". I want to give myself a point for "not losing my mind"



What do you think is important these days?

Park Jeongmin: Personality of course. I'm a half-waiver but I still leave the half of it. (wn: I don't know how to perfectly translate it but he means, if he were going to give up right there and then, he wouldn't be able to do it because he still has the will to continue). I really want to visit people I'm thankful for, but it doesn't work that well. I can't just waste my time alone but at the same time I feel like I'm getting used to not meeting people. I want to fix it.  


Have you gain your credibility with the "actor Park Jeongmin " term?

Park Jeongmin: Not at all. I don't know yet. I think it's right to give trust to everyone I work with when I participate in a project. I always try hard to show you that (you can put faith on me). On the filming set when I think myself as (person) Park Jeongmin instead of (actor) Park Jeongmin, I feel so reliable hahaha. I think there's something I'm very wary of. I'm so grateful when people recognize me and ask for pictures. It's kind of relief to think "oh, there are more people recognize me." But that's about it. Above all, I don't think it's that important that I confident in myself. Wouldn't it be more important for the people who work with me and watch the movie that I'm in to trust me? That credibility (of being an actor) will go up and down day by day like a stock, and I think it depends on how I do it. (T/n: there's a lot of the word 신뢰 being used which can be translated as trust, put faith on someone, credibility, confidence, etc so I tried to see the whole context first instead of literally translated it)


What kind of actor do you want to be remembered for?

Park Jeongmin : A samsung-like actor…Haha. I think that's how all actors feel, but being an actor that the audience likes is the most important thing. That's probably the most important force to act for a long time. No matter how hard I try but if the audience told me "so what?" then it's over. I will continue to think about what people expect from me, what movie people want to see me in, what role I should play in the movie, and (I want to) become an actor who can act for a long time.  



link part 1 :

link part 2 : 

link part 3 :