Park Jeongmin (unhee) entry for topclass magazine - November 2013
(there might be some inaccuracies)
original post :
There are a lot of people at the filming site. Director as the captain leading the directing, at least there are 70 to 80 people, including director, cameramen, lighting, sound, production, art, props, makeup, costumes, and actors, are busy running around.
My first time on a feature film filming site was for a movie called “Bleak Night” three years ago. It was an independent film with a very small budget, so it wasn't as crowded as feature films, but everything was quite shocking to me, who had only been filming short movies. The camera was big, the lighting was big, the sound equipment was big, the small one was probably just like the size of Lee Jehoon's head? Anyway, without a manager, I drove my mom's car to the filming site. The money that I received as a “guarantee money” was all blown away by the “gas cost”, by the “gas cost” I meant (I paid it with) my dad’s card, and by “guarantee money” I meant pocket money. Don't curse at me for being immature. Because I’m still immature now.
If anything, the first experience was very thrilling. I didn’t know how much fun it was to be casted as the main character in a feature film, going around the filming set, leading the work, and laugh with fellow actors and staff. When I arrived late to the scene… nope, because I arrived before anyone else. I don't know why I had so much fun doing that. It even was fun to be shivering in cold and getting hit by my fellow casts. It was fun to see the expression from the people like "Who is he? Why does he always come early?"
"Why did you arrive so early, our Jeongminnie"
"I couldn’t sleep because I was afraid I wouldn’t wake up on time. boohoo"
"if you’re tired, you couldn’t act well, our Jeongminnie"
"Since I’m not good at acting, this is the least I can do. boohoo"
There were frequent conversations like this, and of course I didn’t aware then. I thought it was my passion and affection. Lee Jehoon with his small face who bought an iPhone for the first time and bragged about it, Seo Joonyoung with his small head whose hair in the back is the most important, Bae Jegi who had an ugly and even big head, and dir. Yoon Sunghyun who was looking at them, I enjoyed those moments. That was where I began, my first time… I don't know. It was like the first love or the pureness of my hometown.
Hwang Jungmin who said the famous line of “드루와, 드루와. 이 개xx들 드루와!” (come on in you punk!) or “스태프들이 차려놓은 밥상에 숟가락 하나 올려놓은 것뿐이다” (All I did was add a spoon to a dinner table that had already been prepared by the staffs), is the leader of the agency where I belong now. I heard from someone, not directly from him that even now, as an actor, the captain goes out to the filming scene after being fully prepared. We’re talking about Hwang Jungmin here. Anyway, they said the flower in the filming set is the actor, but the flower cannot bloom without the staff. That's why Jungmin hyung always goes to the scene after getting ready. In order to not go against the staffs’ efforts.
I’m going to make a confession. I forgot it for a while until recently. I don’t know how, everything became so natural, I wasn’t as good as I was before. And when I realized it, I was a little disappointed and blamed myself. For me, the passionate and affectionate seemed to have decreased somehow. These days, I hear a lot of compliments from the leader. He's the manliest actor I know, he's number one, he's just the best here and there. I don't know why he compliments me, but I think I should be a cheerful and foolish actor again to be like the leader. The passion I showed in my first project, and the result of that passion, it’s all natural right? (t/n : he uses an idiom that means : justice will prevail) . Those days when I ended up using idioms, Anyway, I'll continue to improve day by day. Because the environment is very important factor of human growing (t/n : again, he uses idioms that literally means : Mangja's mom moved three times for her son's education) So Mom, let's move to Chungmuro. Hing.
I don't think there's anything I can do all by myself. Even that I write this article, it can’t be published in the magazine without reporter Park Soyoung. If there were no Girls' Generation Saitama Super Arena concert fancams that I watch whenever I'm tired, I might not be able to finish it by the deadline soon, so this article may exist because of the Girls' Generation. Because of the Girl’s Generation, I could finish this article by the deadline. Girls' Generation that I can’t forget (t/n : another idioms here literally means bearing in mind all the time), let’s meet for a long time. If not, I’d be a messed (t/n : this is a poetic song that taught on class, it’s hard to interpret the exact meaning)
It's autumn now. When the sky is high and the weather makes the appetite suppressing function paralyzed, I hope you stay alert and overcome it in your own way. For your information, it’s better if more people work together (t/n : he uses another idiom here. It literally means : It is easier for two people to move one piece of paper). I tried it. I've worked together with a jobless person living in my neighborhood. So, I hope it will be autumn where you can give and communicate a little more. I’m doing my best too. I'm looking for my old self to get closer to my colleagues. The passion that I had before with my own way, and with that method. Once again, I'm going to keep that in mind and live that way. I hope everyone gets rid of this chilly loneliness and depression in their own way. Like Sinatra's "My Way".