Cine21's Masters Talk - Park Chanwook and Ryoo Seungwan talking about Park Jeongmin
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translated by forjeongmin
Park Chanwook : we can't leave the talk about Park Jeongmin
Ryoo Seungwan : Both Park Jeongmin and Go Minsi were also in dir. Park Chanwook 's <Decision to Leave>. when I saw Decision to Leave and see Park Jeongmin doing parkour on rooftop, I didn't call you first but I call Park Jeongmin and I said "there's not even mattress there? and you filmed that high up there? how did you do that? did you do that by yourself?" and he was like "they told me to put on shoes and just run? it just happened?" and so I told him “you need to be careful with dir. Park”
Ryoo Seungwan : Park Jeongmin is really smart, you know. And he knows how to use his body well. I directed short 3D movie <Ghost> and I worked with Park Jeongmin. On that movie, his character wore glasses with thick lenses and so he couldn’t see what’s in front of him. Even with that, he acted with such detail it was so good. I’ve been a fan since <Bleak Night>. One of the things I like while doing <Smugglers> (was when), I told Park Jeongmin to turn his body into how someone who works in boat looks like. He was like “okay, I will do it”. The plan is like this; first he has to bulk up his body and he work out to build his muscles and a week before filming he has to go through diet to build his muscles even more. We did costume fitting a long time before filming, but then (before filming) the costume team came and told me he has been gaining a lot of weight (instead of gaining muscle). When he wore the costume, he looked so not good I hated it. I told him “Jeongmin-ah, you worked hard. I know you had a lot of burdens as an actor, but can you appear in the movie like this?”. It was hard for Jeongmin to work out at that time too. He said “if you like it that way, then I’m thankful”. Park Jeongmin‘s agency CEO called me and said “director, what are you going to do with our Jeongmin?? He’s doing so well these days! He even in Park Chanwook’s <Decision to Leave>! He’s becoming so hot recently what did you do?” he even had to wear wig.
Park Chanwook : your hair looks like Park Jeongmin's hair
Ryoo Seungwan : it’s Jackie Chan’s hair. When we need to film “Jang Dori” we had to find him among the people. He wore undershirt and old clothes, and he had tattoos. 3 years later, his appearance changed. When Seungbeom (actor Ryoo Seungbeom, Ryoo Seungwan’s brother) watched the movie, Seungbeom never gets jealous a bit of someone playing a movie character, he’d be just like “it’s fun!”. But when he saw 3 years later Jeongmin he went “I want that role!” he was like “Hyung, you should’ve give that role to me!” I told him “you said you didn’t want that kind of violent role?” he said “if you said the hair was like that and had to spit like that, I’d do it!” Anyway, Jeongmin was indeed the best.
Park Chanwook : when Jeongmin winked at go minsi, I saw a lot of winks in the movie but I never see someone wink to other person without looking at that person. Even so, he winked with the eye in the wrong side (so Minsi as Okboon couldn’t see it). It was my first time seeing something like that. It was like never-before-seen wink scene.
Ryoo Seungwan : both of them are really adorable. Go Minsi didn’t see him acting that. Both of them are really the best. I thought after these 2 actors did <Decision to Leave>, they’d enjoy the filming of <Smugglers> they’d think “is this a set of variety show?”