전체 글 8

"A Bromance in <Uprising>? I Worked Hard with Gang Dongwon to Stay on the Line"

"A Bromance in ? I Worked Hard with Gang Dongwon to Stay on the Line" disclaimer : this is a fan translation by forjeongmin. might contain inaccuracies. images and articles copyright belong to the rightful owner. Please do not take this translation out of context.link to the interview : https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=cine_play&logNo=223621376860&navType=by  Park Jeongmin's face c..

interviews 2024.10.30

Can you share readings? - The Gift from Park Jeongmin

disclaimer : this is a fan translation. might contain inaccuracies. images and articles copyright belong to the rightful owner. link to original article : 독서도 나눔이 되나요? > 나눔 人 | Story | 한국장애인재단 웹진 "The moment you’re reading a book is when you have to delve into the moment. Unlike watching TV or youtube where you can just leave it on and do something else" Park Jeongmin a famous book-loving actor,..

interviews 2023.10.26

"There's no scene that is not important" Park Jeongmin for GQ Korea August Issue

(disclaimer : this is a fan translation and I do not monetize this in any way so please do not take this for your own advantage. there might be some inaccuracies) GQ : Director Ryoo Seungwan recently said. You match his code. Do you agree? Jeongmin : I agree. GQ : which part? Jeongmin : I find what he says is really funny. He has a lot of witty and humor. His ideas and directing were so much fun..

article 2023.08.06

"Park Jeongmin is really smart" Park Chanwook and Ryoo Seungwan talking about Park Jeongmin

Cine21's Masters Talk - Park Chanwook and Ryoo Seungwan talking about Park Jeongmin video source : https://twitter.com/parkboojm/status/1685492027029594112?s=20 translated by forjeongmin Park Chanwook : we can't leave the talk about Park Jeongmin Ryoo Seungwan : Both Park Jeongmin and Go Minsi were also in dir. Park Chanwook 's . when I saw Decision to Leave and see Park Jeongmin doing parkour o..

misc 2023.08.01